MTM® could be the Answer
May 30, 2016
Close the Gap with Minimal Tooth Movement®
June 13, 2016Minimal Tooth Movement System
Minimal Tooth Movement or MTM® is a cosmetic dental procedure that can give you straighter teeth in less time than conventional braces, or even other types of clear plastic aligners.
The MTM® Clear Aligner system is literally the undetectable way to straighten and align your smile without conventional wires and brackets. Dr. Ringer uses removable clear aligners to correct very slight misalignments giving you the beautiful smile that you have always wanted.
Each Minimal Tooth Movement, or MTM® clear plastic aligner, is custom made according to Dr. Ringer’s treatment plan that has been specifically designed for you and your smile. Once your teeth have reached the ideal position, you will have a beautiful and healthy smile that didn’t take 2 years to achieve.
You are a good fit for Minimal Tooth Movement if you have unwanted spacing between your teeth or if your teeth overlap. If you do not have enough spacing or your teeth are off center, you may be a good candidate for MTM®.
When Dr. Ringer examines your teeth he will also look for the misalignment of your upper and lower teeth as well as teeth that tip inward or outward, teeth that are tilting at an angle, or teeth that lean backward or forward. If your teeth are turned counterclockwise, or clockwise, you may also be the perfect candidate for MTM®.
Dr. Ringer explains that teeth that are aligned properly help contribute to healthy teeth and gums, of course, you must practice good oral hygiene habits including brushing twice and flossing once each day, eat a healthy diet and continue with twice yearly dental checkups.
If your teeth are misaligned, it can lead to enamel wear and stress on your jaw muscles. In the end, it can affect the health and well-being of your teeth and gums and the supporting jawbone structure.
One of the best reasons to use MTM® clear plastic aligners is that they provide the best fit and comfort. Unlike some aligners, MTM® can be removed and has no detectable attachments making them the clearest alternative to both so called, “Invisible, “ aligners and old school wires and brackets.
If you would like more information regarding Minimal Tooth Movement, or any other type of orthodontic appliance, call or click and schedule an appointment with Dental Cosmetics and Dr. Jack Ringer today.