Dental Tips are great to have all year round, but especially during the holidays when all of those goodies can cause problems for your teeth and gums. However, according to Dr. Jack Ringer from Dental Cosmetics, there are some things you can do to help prevent tooth decay and gum disease during the holidays.
Hard Candy
Candy canes, butterscotch and those hard to resist sour balls can crack your teeth if you happen to bite down the wrong way. Although it is much better to dissolve until it is gone, make sure you brush and rinse afterwards as sucking on candy is like a never-ending sugar bath for your teeth.
Those holiday parties are loaded with soda, and although you may like the bubbly stuff soda is full of sugar and acid that can wear away the enamel on your teeth. Drink carbonated water instead, but if you must indulge use a straw as it can help keep the acid away from your teeth.
There really is nothing better than a nice glass of red wine, especially during the holidays. However, red wine will stain your teeth. If you enjoy try doing so with a meal and be sure and brush and rinse after imbibing.
One of the best dental tips for the holidays is also one of the least known. Turkey is great for your teeth and is loaded with protein and phosphorous. Both can help fight tooth decay while keeping your teeth strong and healthy.
Most folks stuff their stockings full of sugary treats that will cause cavities. Dr. Ringer recommends that you may want to consider eliminating the sweet stuff all together and give toys or a cool looking electric toothbrush.
Skip the cookies and head for the veggie platter. Carrots, broccoli, and celery, known as Mother Nature’s dental floss is loaded with vitamins that can help strengthen the enamel on your teeth.
Snack on cheese, especially if you are drinking alcoholic beverages as it helps to neutralize the acid and balance your pH levels. The calcium in dairy products is also great for building strong bones and teeth.
With all of that food left after the holidays it is tempting to graze; however, doing so all day will put your teeth at risk for decay. Keep the leftovers in the fridge and enjoy at mealtime instead.
This holiday season remember these dental tips for the holidays, watch what you eat, practice good oral hygiene habits and don’t forget to schedule your annual dental checkup with Dr. Ringer from Dental Cosmetics today.