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May 28, 2018
A Smile Makeover for a Healthier Life
June 11, 2018Cosmetic Dentistry 15 Tips for a Beautiful Smile
Cosmetic dentistry will change your life. With restorative and cosmetic dental procedures from Anaheim Hills Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Jack Ringer, your professional and personal life will change forever.
Dr. Ringer, past President and Accredited Fellow with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Ringer has appeared on numerous television programs touting the benefits of cosmetic dentistry.
Today’s world is obsessed with social media. If you don’t know how to take a selfie, you are out of touch. Being photogenic is vital if you want people to like your latest snap on Instagram. While some people are natural in front of the lens, others need some practice.
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15 Tips for a Beautiful Smile
- If you blink when someone snaps a picture, close your lids right before the photographer takes the picture. Slowly open as the camera clicks.
- Push your face forward and you will avoid that double chin. Try sticking your forehead out and tip your chin down slightly. Although it may feel a bit awkward, your picture will tell a different story.
- Match your makeup to your smile and your skin tone. If have teeth that are stained but can’t make it in for professional tooth whitening use a rose or plum based lipstick. Watch for pale foundation that can make you look cheap when the flash goes off. Make sure to blend your face through to your neck and chest.
- Mascara and curled eyelashes open your eyes giving them the focal point. If you are unhappy with your smile, mascara and eyelash extensions will draw attention to your eyes, not your teeth and gums. Open your eyes when you pose for the camera. The more light, the more twinkle.
- Check out your favorite photos. Make sure and check out your friends and family’s social media pages. Match the angle or the look on your face. Check out your smile and mimic it the next time you strike a pose.
- Celebrities have known all along that placing your tongue behind the teeth when you grin will avoid a smile that is too wide or goofy looking.
- Fill those brows. Just like fashion, eyebrows tend to change. These days filled in eyebrows are the rage as they convey emotion and character. Filled in eyebrows can make the difference between looking washed out and wide awake on camera.
- Angles are the key to beautiful photos. This is especially important if you have chipped, broken, or crooked teeth. In addition, facing the camera is rarely, if ever, flattering. Dr. Ringer recommends that you tilt your head and turn it to about a three quarter position. Drop your shoulders and turn in slightly.
- Pose like a star. Turn your head slightly towards the lens, place your hand on either hip, and angle your body to one side. Although this cliché, “Red carpet pose,” may seem silly, it really does work, and it makes you look thinner and trimmer.
- Stand in front of a light colored background such as a white or beige wall. This will help brighten your face. Lighter backdrops also help the camera choose the best settings for your picture. If you choose the wrong color, your skin tone will appear yellow or too pink.
- Smile with your top lip slightly over your bottom lip. Curve your lower lip up to match your upper lip slightly revealing a bit of tooth. If you are not happy with your smile, this will help.
- Be the photo bomber and get in more pictures. People who believe they are unphotogenic won’t jump at the chance to be in a picture. The more photos you are in, the better you will look in future snaps.
- Ask the photographer to shoot the picture from above. This will be much more flattering than a picture taken from the ground up. The same goes for selfies. Aim your stick above your head for a beautiful picture you won’t be afraid to show off.
- Watch your lighting. If you are taking a selfie or a picture of someone else or a group, test the lighting beforehand. Be aware of where you stand and try facing the natural light. Check for the best times during the day to take your photo if you are snapping outside.
- Enjoy yourself! Have fun with the camera and enjoy the experience. If you are tense and apprehensive, it will come across in photos.
If you aren’t happy with your smile and the way you look in pictures, call, or click for a no obligation an appointment today.