Women’s Oral Health is it Really that Different?

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Women’s Oral Health is it Really that Different?

Women’s Oral Health

Oral health concerns affect men and women differently.

Women’s Oral Health

Women’s oral health should be considered throughout life as women experience hormonal changes during menstruation, while pregnant and during menopause. According to Anaheim Hills most well known dentist and popular dentist, women who take birth control are also more susceptible to oral health problems.

Menstruation and Women’s Oral Health

During the menstrual cycle, hormones will go up and down. When ovulation occurs, usually a few days before your period starts, there will be higher levels of progesterone. This could cause your gums to swell, be tender or red, or even bleed.

Canker sores can also be a problem during menstruation. Those small ulcers are inside your mouth and are gray or white with a red border. Canker sores cannot be passed from one to another. However, herpes simplex can. Herpes appear on your lips and mouth.

Birth Control and Women’s Oral Health

Vaginal rings, birth control shots, and pills along with an IUD will raise both the progesterone and estrogen levels in your body. High levels of these hormones can make gums red and swollen. Dr. Ringer explains that women who take birth control with high levels of hormones have a higher incident of dry socket as birth control makes clotting difficult which is necessary for healing.

Pregnancy and Oral Health

Some pregnant women have trouble while brushing. If the flavored toothpaste that you use is making you nauseous you may want to switch to a different brand or talk to Dr. Ringer who can recommend a good toothpaste that won’t make you sick.

Women who are expecting also experience something known as Pregnancy Gingivitis. Studies show that two to five pregnant women suffer from some sort of gum disease. If left untreated it can cause sore, red, and bleeding gums. Women’s oral health is also affected when it comes to gum disease. Women with periodontal disease are also in the high-risk category for tooth loss. Periodontal disease eats away at the gum line. This will cause loose teeth and eventual tooth loss.

Speaking of loose teeth, pregnant women may lose tissue support around the teeth as many tissues and joints loosen to prepare for childbirth.

Enamel damage can also be a problem during pregnancy as morning sickness, which can occur for the entire nine months, will cause you to vomit. Vomiting erodes tooth enamel thanks to tooth eroding stomach acid.

Menopause and Women’s Oral Health

During menopause, the body produces low levels of estrogen. This could cause several women’s oral health problems that can include:

  • Pain-Many women experience burning sensations or pain during or after menopause.
  • Dry Mouth-Dry mouth is caused from low estrogen levels and decreases the amount of saliva that you produce.
  • Osteoporosis-Osteoporosis is a disease that makes bones weak. People with osteoporosis are more susceptible to broken bones as well. Just like the rest of the bones in your body, your jawbone can be weakened by osteoporosis. Jawbone loss means tooth loss.

Taking good care of your teeth is essential for everyone, but especially women. Twice daily brushing along with flossing, regular dental checkups, and a healthy day will help prevent oral health and overall health problems.

If you haven’t seen your dentist for some time, call or click and schedule an appointment with your Anaheim Hills Dentist, Dr. Jack Ringer. Dr. Ringer can make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy and can recommend restorative or cosmetic changes that will make you look and feel great.

Call or click and schedule a women’s oral health appointment with Dr. Jack Ringer today.

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