Women’s Oral Health and Post Menopause

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Women’s Oral Health and Post Menopause


Women’s oral health requires different care, and if you follow the Dental Cosmetics Anaheim Hills Blog, you will know that women during different stages in their lives develop a higher risk of gum disease and dental caries then men do.

Women’s Health, Puberty, Menopause and More

A recently published study from the American Journal of Hypertension has determined that women in post menopause, or women have lost a tooth or multiple teeth are in the high-risk category for high blood pressure. Although there have been several studies conducted between tooth loss, periodontal disease and hypertension, that relationship is still unclear.

Dr. Jack Ringer, a past president and an accredited fellow with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry explains that there are a few possibilities between women’s oral health and hypertension. One could be that when people start to lose their teeth, their diet changes. Because people are not able to consume a healthy balance of food, it will cause health problems.

The studies showed that about 20 percent of postmenopausal women had a higher risk of hypertension compared to women who were not postmenopausal. Another recently discovered possible reason for the link is an association with young women and women with low BMI’s. Women who have an unhealthy body mass index are more prone to high blood pressure.

What the Study Also Discovered about Women’s Oral Health

Older women who were postmenopausal and losing teeth showed a much higher risk of developing high blood pressure. Women who were out of shape and overweight also showed a higher risk of hypertension.

Researchers believe that women, who practice good oral hygiene, including regular dental checkups, have a much lower risk of developing high blood pressure. Because of the study, doctors now understand the tooth loss could be an early warning sign for hypertension.

Women’s Oral Health and Heart Disease

High blood pressure is lower in women who are in pre menopause and lower in men. After menopause, hypertension is much higher than it is in men. When this happens the risk for cardiovascular disease, which is the number one cause of death in women, is increased. In addition, there is evidence that women have a tougher time controlling blood pressure than men do.

Other issues that may lead to hypertension include obesity. Over 40 percent of postmenopausal women in the United States are obese with 23.3 percent of white non-Hispanic women being obese, while 41.9 percent of non-Hispanic women are overweight. Women who have surgical menopause are also more susceptible to weight gain.

Even if women don’t gain weight after the change, the weight will redistribute with an increase in abdominal fat causing problems for women’s oral health.

Maintain Women’s Oral Health and Live Longer

If you take good care of your teeth and gums, you will live a healthier life. Your Anaheim Hills dentist explains that brushing twice, flossing once each day, and a good healthy diet will help you stay free from cavities and gum disease. Dr. Ringer also recommends twice-yearly dental examinations or more if you are prone to tooth decay and gingivitis.

Whatever your age, regular dental appointments are essential. If you can’t remember the last time you saw your Orange County Dentist, it’s time to call and schedule an appointment with Dr. Ringer. You’ll be glad you did, and so will your primary care physician.

Call for a dental checkup in Anaheim Hills today.

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