What to expect from a Sleep Specialist

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What to expect from a Sleep Specialist

Sleep Specialist

What to expect from a Sleep Specialist

A Sleep Specialist may be needed if you are having trouble sleeping at night.

If you have been following the Dental Cosmetics blog, you will have learned that Sleep Apnea can happen to anyone, even children, but thankfully, you don’t have to resort to an uncomfortable CPAP machine.

Most people have heard about the CPAP machine, and the reviews are not great. Some people do not want to have surgery and will resort to anything to help with sleepless nights. Thankfully, thanks to the advances of modern dentistry, you can be fitted with a comfortable way to combat your Sleep Apnea. Oral Appliance Therapy is designed to help keep your airways open without having to be hooked up to a machine.

If you or the person you sleep next to every night believes that you may be suffering from Sleep Apnea, it is important to see your primary care physician. If you already have, and your doctor has given you a referral to a sleep specialist, it is important to be well aware of what to expect during your appointment.

When you schedule your first appointment with the sleep specialist, you will want to ask if you need to modify your diet or write down your sleeping habits. It is also important to keep track of any symptoms that you may be experiencing while you are asleep.

The sleep specialist will also ask if you have had any major stresses or life changes in your life lately while recording any personal information that could affect your sleep.

Be sure and keep a list of all supplements, vitamins and any medications, including the over the counter kind, that you are taking.

Try to bring along a friendly face such as a relative or good friend. Bringing someone along to your appointment may help you jog your memory if you missed something or simply forgot. Because the person you sleep next to at night may be aware of symptoms that you are not, it could help having your partner along.

Write down any questions or concerns that you may have. It is easy to forget. When you prepare a list before your appointment, it can help you get the most out of your sleep specialist visit.

Don’t forget to ask about symptoms, what tests are needed, treatments and if there is any links on the internet that he or she could recommend. There is tons of information on the World Wide Web that can help answer your questions about Sleep Apnea. If there is printed material at the sleep specialists practice, make sure to grab as much information as possible.

If you believe you may be suffering from Sleep Apnea, contact your doctor who will be able to refer you to a specialist if Sleep Apnea is suspected. Once you are diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, call a trained and certified dental sleep medicine practitioner, such as Dr. Jack Ringer, who will be able to find the best possible solution for your Sleep Apnea, whether it be Oral Appliance Therapy, or surgery.

For more information regarding Sleep Apnea, call or click and schedule an appointment with Dr. Ringer and Advanced Smile Design today.



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