TMD is More Common than You Think

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TMD is More Common than You Think


TMJ disorders are quite common with more than 50 million cases reported every year in the United States.

Affecting your temporomandibular joint, it is uncomfortable and can be quite painful. However, in some cases, the TMD pain will eventually leave on its own accord with self-care practices. Exercising your jaw joints can help as can oral appliance therapy from your dentist in Anaheim Hills.

What is TMJ?

According to Dr. Jack Ringer, past president and an Accredited Fellow with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, TMJ or your temporomandibular joints are sliding hinges that connect your skull to your jawbone. If your bite is misaligned or you have suffered a blow to the head, you could have problems with your TMJ known as TMD or temporomandibular joint disorder.

TMD causes jaw locking and clicking and problems when you chew, yawn and even talk. Oral appliance therapy is often used to help reduce clenching and grinding, which in most cases is caused from stress.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Causes

Women are more likely to suffer from temporomandibular disorder than men are. In fact, restricted jaw movement and pain affects nine women to every one man with estrogen being a strong link. Your Anaheim Hills dentist explains that other causes may include:

  • Arthritis
  • Physical Injury
  • Infections
  • Grinding and Tooth Clenching
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Dental Surgeries
  • Genetics
  • Hormones
  • Environment
  • Being Female

It’s interesting to note that people who play the violin have a higher rate of temporomandibular joint disorder because of the way that the instrument is held.

TMD Symptoms

Pain-One of the biggest signs of TMD is pain. Although in most cases, the pain occurs when the jaw is moving and not stationery. If you have temporomandibular disorder you could experience cheek and ear pain, neck aches and backaches and headaches and migraines. If you are experiencing pain in other areas, your primary care physician will check for other symptoms before making a temporomandibular disorder diagnosis.

Noises-People who have temporomandibular disorder often notice a clicking or popping sound when they talk, eat, or open their mouth. In most cases, those noises are painless. Other sounds that occur include ringing or buzzing in your ears. You may also feel numb around your jaw area.

Limited Movement with TMD

Because your jaw is out of alignment, you will have limited movement. This prevents you from fully opening your mouth. You will also have problems moving your jaw in different directions.

TMD Treatment

Lifestyle changes can often help temporomandibular disorder. Dr. Ringer recommends that you reduce jaw movement and rest as much as possible. Meditation may also help. Stop chewing gum, eat soft foods and stop grinding your teeth and tensing your jaw. Try jaw stretches and muscle massage around your jaw as this may also help. Moist heat or an icepack can also reduce your TMD symptoms.

One of the best ways to treat TMD is with oral appliance therapy. Dr. Ringer is a licensed and preferred oral appliance therapy provider, and will recommend the best device for your needs.

Get Help with your Dentist in Anaheim Hills

If you or someone you know has jaw pain, or if you have already been diagnosed with temporomandibular disorder, call or click and schedule an appointment with Dental Cosmetics in Anaheim Hills. Your dentist in Orange County can help relieve TMD pain with oral appliance therapy.

Call for a no obligation consultation today.

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