Minor Tooth Movement May Be All You Need
July 27, 2016
Minimal Tooth Movement For A Nice Smile
August 8, 2016Different Options for Teeth Straightening
If you have always wanted straighter teeth, but your family was unable to afford it when you were young, there may be another alternative, especially if the thought of wearing old school wires and brackets is turning you off the idea.
These days there are a variety of different cosmetic dental procedures that may be recommended for straighter teeth, these include conventional metal braces, invisible braces or clear plastic aligners.
Known as Minimal Tooth Movement, or MTM®, this cosmetic dental procedure may be recommended if you have slight adjustments that need to be made. Dr. Jack Ringer in Orange County is certified and trained to fit you with a series of clear plastic aligners that are made to fix your tilted, tipped, or rotated teeth gradually. MTM® can even close that small gap between your teeth that has been driving you crazy for years. Dr. Ringer can also fix overcrowded teeth with MTM®.
The virtually clear alternative to traditional braces uses removable plastic aligners that are very hard to detect. Only the people that you tell and Dr. Ringer and his team will know that you are wearing Minimal Tooth Movement clear plastic aligners for straighter teeth.
You will wear a set of clear plastic aligners for 20 to 22 hours each day. You will remove your aligners when you eat, brush, and floss eliminating the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Metal braces have to be worn for the length of the treatment and cannot be removed making it difficult, if not impossible, to brush under the wires and brackets.
Each MTM® clear plastic aligner is made according to Dr. Ringers plan and will move your teeth gradually into the right direction. For a mere fraction of the cost and the time it takes for other orthodontic appliances, including other clear aligners, you can have straighter teeth in as little as 6 months. Wouldn’t it be great to have the smile you deserve after all of these years?
If you would like more information regarding MTM® or any other cosmetic dental procedure, call or click and schedule a no obligation smile design consultation with past president and accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Jack Ringer.
Dr. Ringer really is an expert when it comes to cosmetic dentistry including straighter teeth. Call or click now.