Straight teeth can be yours even if you don’t want to resort to uncomfortable wires and brackets. MTM®, or the minimal tooth movement system, is the clear and modern way to give you straight teeth in less time than conventional braces.
Minimal Tooth Movement System
With the advances in modern dentistry, you can have straight teeth without wearing conventional wires and brackets. MTM® uses removable clear comfortable custom-made aligners that will straighten your smile.
How does it Work?
According to Dr. Ringer from Dental Cosmetics in Anaheim Hills, each MTM® aligner is precisely made to give you the perfect smile. Without the use of traditional bands, brackets and wires, Dental Cosmetics will move your teeth into place by putting pressure on tipped or rotated teeth. MTM® can even close that space in-between your front teeth.
The Advantages of MTM®
Traditional wires and brackets need to be worn between a year and half to two years. The average treatment time for the minimal tooth movement system is between three and six months.
If you wear braces, you can say farewell to corn on the cob, spare ribs, and those delicious caramel apples that you enjoy. Because you remove your aligners during mealtime, you can continue to eat your favorite foods.
Brushing and flossing is nearly impossible with conventional braces. Because you remove your clear plastic aligners when you brush and floss, you are helping prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
Teeth that are rotated or tipped can lead to problems. Teeth that are unevenly spaced can make it difficult to chew. Crowded teeth make flossing an issue and if you have a midline discrepancy, you may experience jaw tension, which could lead to TMJ disorders.
If you would like to learn more about the minimal tooth movement system and have always wanted straight teeth, call or click and schedule an appointment with Dr. Ringer today.
You really can have a beautiful smile with MTM®, call or click now.