Sleep Apnea Could Be Making you Grumpy
April 4, 2016
Dental Implants and Bone Deterioration
April 18, 2016Benefits of Dental Implants
Dental Implants in Anaheim Hills are the best solution for missing teeth, and if you have been considering dental implants, talk to Dr. Jack Ringer, past President and accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.
These days more people are able to receive implants even with bone loss. However, the only way to determine if you are a good candidate is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ringer.
When you receive your Dental Implants in Anaheim Hills, you may be treated by several dental implants including Dr. Ringer, a periodontist, and an oral surgeon. The implants will be placed inside your jawbone. A prosthodondist may make your bridges, crowns or dental implants that will look almost identical to your natural teeth. The specialist that will be placing your dental implants will work with the other practitioners in order to coordinate the treatment, which also includes deciding what dental implants will be used, how many you will need, and where they will be placed. Because there are different manufacturers and types of implants, Dr. Ringer will discuss the best option for you.
As mentioned above, the majority of people are great candidates for Dental Implants in Anaheim Hills. Even those who are lacking enough bone may qualify for bone grafting or dental augmentation. If you are suitable for bone grafting, you will need to wait between four and eight months to heal before your new Dental Implants can be placed. Of course, you can wear a bridge or dentures while your jawbone heals.
Dental Implants may not be suitable for:
- Tobacco users
- People who have uncontrolled diabetes
- People who take medicate for autoimmune disease
- People who have had head and neck radiation therapy
Dr. Ringer will give you a thorough examination to make sure that you are a good candidate for Dental Implants in Anaheim Hills. If you are deemed suitable, a treatment schedule will be discussed.
If you have a missing tooth or missing teeth and would like more information regarding Dental Implants in Anaheim Hills talk to Dr. Jack Ringer. Your new smile really can be a possibility with Dental Implants in Anaheim Hills. Call or click today.