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Don’t Let Dental Fear Ruin your Smile

dental fear

dental fear

If dental fear has kept you from having a gorgeous healthy smile, Dr. Jack Ringer has the tools you need to transform your dull and unhappy grin into a beautiful smile that will have friends, family and even complete strangers turning heads. However, a beautiful smile starts with healthy teeth and gums.

Dr. Ringer is the past president and an Accredited Fellow with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Dr. Ringer is also known as a regular guest on medical television programs including the Dr.’s. dental fear

His knack for combining restorative and preventive dentistry and cosmetic dentistry is a skill that can give you the smile that you deserve.

Don’t Fear the Chair

When you schedule an appointment with Dr. Ringer, you can be assured that your visit will be a comfortable one. If dental fear has kept you out of the dentist’s chair, dental cosmetics Anaheim Hills will alleviate your dental fear helping you relax in preparation for your new smile with Dr. Ringers Pain Free Dentistry.

dental fearAccording to Dr. Ringer, the hardest time for patients with dental fear is the dreaded needle. The syringe and the needle that is about to go in your mouth is anything but comforting. Thankfully, that step has been eliminated with Dr. Ringers Pain Free Dentistry.

Dr. Ringer explains that the pain doesn’t come from the needle, which is actually quite tiny; the pain comes from the fluid being pumped into your gums. Your gums feel pressure causing irritation and pain.

dental fear

The STA Single Tooth Anesthesia is the almost painless way to inject anesthetic. A very small needle is still used, but instead of pushing a bunch of anesthetic into your gums in one shot, it releases a tiny drop every second so that you won’t feel any pressure. The Pain Free Dentistry available from Dental Cosmetics Anaheim Hills really has revolutionized dentistry, and has helped thousands of patients overcome dental fear.

Your Smile Consultation

When you schedule a smile consultation with Dr. Ringer, your teeth and gums will be checked to make sure they are healthy enough for cosmetic dentistry. Although Dental Cosmetics Anaheim specializes in cosmetic dentistry in Orange County, the team still puts the health of your mouth and the rest of your body first. Dr. Ringer and his team want to make sure that every time you talk, laugh, eat, and even sleep is as comfortable as possible.

dental fear

Sleep Apnea

Dr. Ringer is also a licensed and preferred Sleep Apnea dental professional who can help people who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea get rid of that uncomfortable CPAP machine.

Trying to get a good night’s sleep with a mask strapped on your face is no way to live life. Dr. Ringer can provide you with affordable oral appliance therapy that can help with your sleep apnea. If left untreated, and that includes not wearing your mask at night because it is uncomfortable, Sleep Apnea can lead to other health ailments and even death.
However, if Sleep Apnea isn’t keeping you up at night, it could be something else.

dental fear


Dr. Ringer specializes in TMJ disorders. During your consultation, your bite will be checked to make sure that your  temporomandibular joints are healthy. If you have jaw or neck pain, grind your teeth or hear a popping sound when you talk or chew, you could be suffering from TMD. If you have an issue. Dr. Ringer will discuss a treatment plan that includes oral appliance therapy and relaxation techniques for TMJ disorder. He may also want to address those issues before any cosmetic dentistry procedures can proceed.

dental fear

If you haven’t seen the dentist for some time and dental fear, time or just haven’t gotten a round to it is getting in the way, call or click and schedule a no obligation consultation with Dr. Ringer.

Getting your mouth healthy is the first step to a great looking smile with cosmetic dentistry. Call or click, eliminate your dental fear and schedule your smile makeover consultation with Dr. Jack Ringer today.

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