Did You Know Oral and Overall Health is Connected?

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Did You Know Oral and Overall Health is Connected?


A brighter smile can make everyone’s day, but did you know that it could also say something about your overall health? The oral and overall health connection can’t be ignored. 

When a dentist looks inside your mouth and examines your teeth, gums, tongue and the rest of your oral cavity he or she is getting a close look at the inside of your body as well.

The Connection Between Oral and Overall Health

According to Dr. Jack Ringer, past president and an Accredited Fellow with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, studies indicate a strong connection between oral and overall health.

In other words, people who have healthy smiles will be healthier overall, while people who suffer from gum disease and tooth decay will probably suffer from poor health overall. While no one knows exactly why this happens, dentists believe it has to do with oral bacteria making its way to the blood stream.

Bacteria Could Be the Link Between Oral and Overall Health

In most cases, your body will defend itself as long as you take good care of it. The same goes for your mouth. Regular brushing and flossing prevents the bad bacteria from taking over the good bacteria. Gum disease and tooth decay will happen without good oral hygiene.

People who suffer from gingivitis and the more serious periodontal disease are also more susceptible to systemic disease. According to your dentist in Anaheim Hills, patients with heart problems have a higher percentage of gum disease than people with healthy teeth and gums.

Oral and Overall Health and Disease

  • Endocarditis-an infection of your heart lining and chambers caused from germs and bacteria spread through the bloodstream attaching itself to other areas of the heart.
  • Cardiovascular Disease-Some research indicates clogged arteries, stroke, and heart disease could be linked to bacteria and oral inflammation.
  • Pneumonia-Bad mouth bacteria can easily make its way into your lungs. This causes respiratory diseases including pneumonia.
  • Complications with Pregnancy and Birth-Pregnant women with gum disease are linked to low birth weights and premature babies. Women who are expecting are also more susceptible to gingivitis because of hormonal changes.
Certain health conditions exasperated by gum disease include:
  • Diabetes-Diabetics have a higher percentage of gum disease as they have less resistance to infection. Diabetics also have a tougher time controlling blood sugar.
  • HIV/AIDS-People with HIV/AIDS suffer from mucosal lesions more often than people who don’t have the disease.
  • Osteoporosis-Linked to tooth and bone loss, osteoporosis is a disease that weakens both teeth and bones. Certain medications for the disease may damage the jawbone.
  • Alzheimer’s Disease-As the disease progresses, oral health gets worse as patients forget to practice good oral hygiene.

Other oral and overall health links include certain cancers, immune system disorders, eating disorders, stroke, and rheumatoid arthritis.

If you would like more information regarding the connection between oral and overall health, call and schedule a consultation with Dental Cosmetics in Anaheim Hills today.

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