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MTM® The Clear Way to Straight Teeth


Solutions For Misaligned Teeth

MTM® is the only way to straighten your teeth in as little as 6 months, and if you are a bit reluctant to wear conventional braces, call or click and schedule an appointment with the licensed and preferred Minimal Tooth Movement provider, Dr. Jack Ringer. Dr. Jack Ringer has been featured on The Doctors and other television programs and is an Accredited Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

According to Dr. Ringer, tipped, rotated or crooked teeth can be helped with the minimal tooth movement system with most patients seeing the desired results in 12 to 18 months. Conventional wires and brackets can sometimes take up to 2 years to straighten teeth.

When you schedule an appointment with Dr. Ringer for MTM®, your teeth and gums will be checked to make sure you are free from gum disease and tooth decay. Although the minimal tooth movement system isn’t the perfect solution for everyone, you need to have healthy teeth and gums before you and Dr. Ringer from Dental Cosmetics can proceed.

MTM® is the perfect solution if your teeth have a small gap or if they are tipped, rotated, or tilted. Talk to Dr. Ringer about the minimal tooth movement system and you could have a smile that you can be proud to show off.

The minimal tooth movement system from Dr. Ringer utilizes 11 to 31 sets of clear plastic aligners. You remove the aligners every week or two depending on your customized MTM® minimal tooth movement system plan. The only time you remove your aligners is when you eat, drink, brush, and floss. It is recommended that you wear your aligners 20 to 22 hours every day.

Unlike conventional braces, you will not need to see Dr. Ringer every two weeks. With MTM®, you only need to schedule dental visits every 6 weeks to make sure that your new smile is going according to plan.

When it comes to a straight smile, Dr. Ringer and MTM® cannot be beat. Call or click for your no obligation minimal tooth movement system consultation today.

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